Welcome to 8th Grade!
You Are In For an AWESOME Year!!!
This year will be full of adventure and change. You might be
- excited
- nervous
- confident
Regardless of where you fall on the range of emotions for the new school year, remember, each student is in the same situation.
We Have So Much In Common :-)
No one has been in Ms. Beck's class before. Everyone has traveled through the grades that come before 8th grade, and together all students will create memories together about their last year in Summit Hill School District.
Ms. Beck's Newsletter is Your Home Base
Please visit this site often. There will be added information each week that will be helpful to both parents and students. This is where students can access tools, resources, and assignments completed in class.
We will use this site on a regular basis. Visit it often for both review and for exercises in independent learning - a skill we devote a great deal of time to in 8th grade.
You can keep yourself abreast of assignments, skills, and instruction by visiting the site as well. If you have questions about something your child has learned, visit this site with your child and review relevant posts to access instruction, assignments, and resources. This is where you get a first hand view of teaching and learning in our Learning Lab
If a student is absent, this website is the most reliable, accurate reflection of work completed in class. The site is available 24/7 from any device. Visit the site at the beginning of the day AND the end of the day if you're absent. Often times it is updated as the day progresses to share what information and activities completed on a given day.
Let's Stay Connected! (COMING SOON)
(Opt-In for Ms Beck's Newsletter will be added to the button below in the next few days.)
You will receive updates to your email box regularly (for students and parents). Just click on the button above [the button will become active on or after 8/19/16] or below and you will be on our exclusive email that will give you information about test schedules, learning resources, and information about what we are doing in class.
Sign up for Ms. Beck's Newsletter to receive information and resources supporting learning AND leadership.