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What is Power Writing

PowerWriting: An Brief Overview What is Power Writing? ·         Power Writing is a writing system that assigns a number to eac...

I am Jumping for Joy Because of YOU!

10:26 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

I am so Proud of You!

Over the past few weeks you have been "playing my silly games" as we laid the foundation for writing argumentative essays, and wow, you wrote amazing essays!

You have taken my lead and participated in every activity. For this, my gratitude runs deep. As you know, every little thing we do in class leads to a higher goal. There is always method to my madness...

although sometimes it seems like chaos. :-) 

Regardless, you step up.

You, yes you, have risen to a new level in your writing skills. Even more impressive, you have taken your critical thinking skills to an entirely new level.

In fact, I am telling anyone within a six foot radius of me, just how proud of you I am. Your ears should be ringing.

You are part of my thoughts throughout the day (not in the creepy way), even after you leave my classroom. No matter where I am, I have access to the work you submitted to DropBox, and as always, it's hard to contain my excitement as I click 'download' and wait for the big reveal.

I open my DropBox app, and before I click on a new file to read, I get a wave of electric anticipation, like receiving a beautifully decorated gift
, meaningful and emotionally connected, from a good friend.

Your papers are a gift. I learn from you: your thoughts, insights, and skills. The complexity of your ideas and your ability to convey those ideas with appeal is the result of your willingness to engage in our broad range of activities. 

Each one of you have been rewarded with progress significant progress.

Just know, the state of utter joy you have put me in is the result of your growth. This joy isn't about me. 

It's all about YOU!

As you did with your Information Collection Projects, you knocked my socks off and I am jumping for joy! Congratulations on your effort that has been clearly rewarded.

Okay, this teacher is done gushing like a proud mama. Keep up the amazing 

Believe you can, and anything is possible!

IMPORTANT... don't have access to a computer?

10:59 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Don't have access to a computer on a daily basis?

Then you will need to arrange to stay for Academic Assistance after school. There are computers available for you to use. All you need to do is bring a flashdrive (aka a memory stick) to save your work.

Don't have internet access?

The public library has computers with internet access for you to use. The library is just one way you parents' tax dollars are used. If there are videos you need to watch, bring a set of head phone for quiet listening.

Is it impossible for you to use these resources available to you?

Then you must take the initiative to communicate the issue with your teacher. She can't read your mind or understand your situation if you don't make the effort to communicate your needs.

Let's Review Nouns

8:24 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Look at the graphic orgainzers below. Record them in your English Spiral. You will use these are a reference guide in the future.

Create a chart like the one below. Populate your chart with the various types of nouns in the sentences below.

Today's Argumentative Writing Prompt

8:00 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Argumentative Writing Topic 

You will be writing this essay in class on Monday, Tuesday, and maybe Wednesday, depending on need.

In class we will look specifically at the elements of the Argumentative Essay. Then you will develop a list of pros and cons on the issue. 

Of course the most important step in beginning a well focused essay is creating a relevant thesis statement. We will practice creating thesis statements as a class. 

Using the notes/planners you generate in class you will write your essay while in class.

Writing Situation 

Studies have shown that some students learn best when eating or snacking while they
study. Many schools, however, do not allow food in the classroom because they
believe that eating can interfere with class work. The principal has asked for student
opinions about eating in the classroom.

Directions for Writing 

Write a letter to convince your principal to allow students to eat in the classroom or to
keep the ban on eating in class. Support your position with specific reasons and

Important Information for the Week

9:28 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

You Have to Know This Stuff

We are in the Computer Lab (room 118) all week.

Be sure to bring all materials and supplies with you.

  • AR Novel
  • Vocabulary Workbook
  • Notecards
  • Reading Spiral
  • (Night books will be in the room for your use.)

Book Fair is Wednesday

Bring money to shop if you plan on buying books. Our goal is to use our allotted time as scheduled. Please make sure you bring money or a check if you are going to be a shopper.

PBIS Celebration is on Friday

You signed up for your desired room: movies, chill, game room. You will find out where you are going during this time later in the week.

The Parts of Speech Rap Song

2:45 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

The time is always right to review basic parts of speech.

Watch the video below to review parts of speech. Listen to review...

Friday's Homework: Drop Box Me...

2:14 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments


*Take notes for each video in a word document.
*Name the saved document with your first name followed by the assignment.
*Submit to Drop Box
*DUE: Sunday by 9:00 pm

Food for Thought

9:54 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Book Fair : April 26th, 2014

5:05 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Book Fair is Coming!!!

Buy one and get $5.00 off your second choice!

Homework: DROP BOX ME! :-)

4:36 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

All is well with the writing tutorial videos.

Let's review what you need to do tonight.:


  • Click on the page tab above named : "Writing Tutorial"
  • You will watch and take notes on Videos 1 & 2.
  • Write your notes in a word document. Be sure to put a heading on your page.
  • Save the document. Remember where you saved it.

Drop Box It

  1. Click on the link to the right that says "Submit Papers Here"
  2. Click on your class.
  3. Attached your document.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button to submit.

Parts of Speech Review

9:11 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

The information below is a review of parts of speech and prepositions. You Have been learning this information for years. By Friday you need to be able to list all 7 parts of speech, be able to identify each type. You will also be required to recall a list of five prepositions and identify them in provided text.

7 Parts of Speech

1. Noun
2. Verb
3. Adjective
4. Adverb
5. Pronoun
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction

according to
because of
by way of
in addition to
in front of
in place of
in regard to
in spite of
instead of
on account of
out of

An Essay in 30 Minutes! Really?

9:19 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Time Boundaries are Your Friend

It's amazing what time boundaries can do for your production. Today in class you constructed a five paragraph essay in 30 minutes.

The focus and energy in the classroom was amazing. I want to commend all of you who made the decision to stay focused.

Just remember, no matter what you're writing or which class you write in each day, use the skills you have learned at every opportunity you get and your writing will continue improving over time!

Good Reads: Here's my latest...

3:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Review of The Lord of Opium

With the death of El Patrón at the end of The House of the Scorpion (rev. 11/02), Matt, the drug lord’s fourteen-year-old clone, has not only been reclassified as a human but has now been declared the Lord of Opium, the drug state carved out of the  borderlands between the United States and Mexico. Opium is under lockdown, and Matt must... (Read the complete review)

Focusing on Fiction

I have been elbow deep in non-fiction lately and decided to enjoy my favorite genre: young adult fiction. <br/>
This is the sequel to Nancy Farmer's book, House of the Scorpion which was amazing!

CLICK HERE to find out more about the prequel to The Lord of Opium, House of the Scorpion.

Check out Good Reads for lists and list of YA novels.

Just an FYI. Enjoy your weekend!

Objective Summary Worksheet: Download it here...

2:41 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

A couple of students requested a copy of the "Objective Summary" graphic organizer. If you want a copy of it,...

CLICK HERE to download it.

Download a graphic organizer for Introductions

9:23 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Here is the graphic organizer for writing introductions. Sown load it and save it to your hard drive. Then you can type in the document. Or you can print it up and write ON it.

Click here to download the graphic organzier.

Prompt #1:

  • Do you feel students should be able to grade their teachers? Do you think student evaluations should be used by principals and district administrators, along with other data such as principal observations and test scores, to make decisions about teacher salary and job tenure?
  • Do you think students know what good teaching looks like? Do you think students can tell the difference between a highly effective teacher and a struggling teacher?
  • Do you think students can be fair in grading their teachers? Or, will they be overly generous to easy teachers and overly critical of hard teachers?


CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE for research to support your position on the issue.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

4:16 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Ethos, Pathos, Logos... 

What are they and why do you need to know about them?

They are Rhetorical Appeals... uh say what?

In plain English they are ways to persuade and convince people through writing. If you really want to make an impact on where someone's mind goes while reading your essays ethos, pathos, and logos will help you do just that.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos - What do they mean?

Rather than words, lets look at the diagram. It says it all.

A Closer Look...


Logos is the argument. Logos is how you structure the writing. 

The logical side of the brain, the left side loves this information. 

A strong arguments is built on logical facts, statistics and evidence: Logos

A clear message that makes sense. That's what your audience needs. The flow of your ideas impact the clarity and logical flow impacts how your ideas are received. Include an opening, statements of support, and a conclusion. (Sound familiar?)


Emotions are triggered with pathos, and emotions live on the right side of the brain.

Emotions cause people to action. Advertisements count on this fact: Buy first, regret later. 

Emotions like descriptive words and sensory details. Use them with purpose and they can be a power persuasive tool.

If you're making a speech, your body language taps into emotions, especially your facial expressions.

Telling stories is a powerful way to tap into your audiences emotions. Use your own stories or retellings of others' experiences.


  • Facts? Check!
  • Stories? Check!
  • Credibility? ... you need it or the other two are ineffective.

People want to trust you. Speek from a place of certainly, authority, and accuracy. That enhances trust.

If you are not an expert in what you are sharing with your audience, find so reliable, accurate sources from which you will be sharing your information.

Be confident. Know that you are the expert. If you know more than your audience, that make you more of an expert than them. Be real about your word choice and share your passion with conviction. However, don't over react either.

There you go,




Start exploring with these as you write. They are the keys to powerful persuasion and effective communication!

Anne Frank the whole story full length

3:48 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Included in this post is the full length video of Anne Frank. The link is either above or below.

It is three hours long. No one is required to watch this movie. It is just an enhancement to what we'd ping in class.


Sent from my iPhone

ISAT... Yes It's Over!!!!

8:32 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

You have completed all ISAT Test today.

I am so proud of your focus and continual application of your attention to your work. Hopefully you feel good about yourself and the rather enjoyed the process.

You know, like Super Bowl.


In English you know have your Writing Tools and your Power Writing under control. Heck you probably have them mastered!

So now it’s on the next big things: 1) how to structure an introduction 2) how to structure a conclusion, and 3) Including elements for convincing/argumentative papers.

You will be engaged in Writing Workshops in class. Activities will have you joining me in the creation of writing, reading other pieces of writing, and creating pieces of your own.


In reading we are now on the Holocaust unit. This is a mature topic and requires your attention not only to the skills of reading, but also the content. We will be applying reading strategies, looking for literary elements, character change, cause and effect, etc. However, we will be diving deep into some essential questions as well. (You recorded these in your spirals.)


As far as vocabulary goes… YOU ROCK!!! You are on the second application of using “My Study Calendar” to map out your study schedule and record the strategies you are using.

Spend Some Time With a Good Book

12:11 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Get Visual with Vocabulary!

10:08 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Create new meaning for words and remember them FOREVER! <br><br/>

All you have to do is create and color.

Check out these sample of graphic definitions. Give it a try.

Writing Tool #1: Review - Compound Sentences

8:32 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Simple and Compound Sentences
Writing Tool #1: Review
Compound Sentences
In order to better understand compound sentences, you must have a clear understanding of sentences.
I know, I know,... you’re probably saying, “Well, duh, I know that!”
Hang with me here, and humor me. Watch the videos below to review the foundational elements of a sentence and watch how Mr. Teacher breaks down each sentence in this video.
VIDEO #1: Identifying Elements of a Sentence
(Then watch the second one!)

VIDEO #2: Identifying Elements of a Compound- Sentence (Writing Tool #1)


12:53 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

What's going in in this picture? Challenge yourself to an 8 Minute Write.

The goal? Create a cohesive piece of writing with a clear organizational structure. Think about the purpose of your piece before you begin.

Challenge on! Start writing.