Reading Notes: September 3, 2014:
9/3/14 What is a “Recall”
A Recall follows the 5 Minute Study Strategy.
Students are given four minutes to write down as much information they can about a selected topic.
In our ELA class student have been practicing
How to Grade Recalls
Correct spelling = 1 point
Correct part of speech = 1 point
Correct definition = 2 points
Each vocab word = 4 points
5 vocab words = 20 points
So …
18/20 = 90% ß----- this score will be recorded
14/20 = 70 % ßscore recorded
9/03/14 Incorporation
What is incorporation?
Blending a question or a prompt with your answer to create a new statement.
Q: What is your favorite type of dessert?
A: chocolate cake with frosting. (NOT INCOPRORATED)
A: My favorite type of dessert is chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
A: Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite type of dessert.
Q: Where do you like to go when you want to be alone?
A: to my basement.
A: When I want to be alone I like I go in my room.
A: I like to go to my bedroom when I want to be alone.
A: The place I want to go to when I want to be alone is my room.