Commonly Misspelled Words You Should Know
Important Words to Spell Correctly
The brief list below contains words you should know how to spell.
Take time to review these words and begin using them correctly as you write.
Remember, teachers in your other classes are looking for the proper spelling of these words, as well.
Commonly Misspelled Words List
"Cuz" is not a word. Another common error is spelling it "becuse".
BE the CAUSE for a change. Because I changed, I was able to improve.
"Til" is not a word. Another common error is "untill".
I will run 'til I am tired. <------- The apostrophe may be fancy, but it's not correct.
to = preposition
I am going to the the store.
two = the number
I had two friends go to the movies with me.
too= also
I will eat pizza, too.
they're = the contraction of "they + are"
Due to the time crunch, they're running through the airport.
there = indicates the opposite of here
Stay here, and I will go over there.
their = ownership (answers "Whose is it?")
Sam and Emmy lost their dog.
Whether=a choice between alternative
weather= snow,rain,temperature
beginning=the opposite of the end, with "nn"
the opposite of wrong, does not begin with a "w"
alot (this is not a word)
a lot = two words, lot= a great deal
You don't say "alittle", don't use "alot".
knew=past tense of know, comes from knowledge
new=opposite of old
stoPPed ... enough said.
NOTE: If you are reading this at 8:10 pm on Monday night I am currently working on this page. There was a problem with the contruction of it. Check back for further explanation about the words that do not have details after them.
I just wanted you to have the list - although my examples are limited.