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What is Power Writing

PowerWriting: An Brief Overview What is Power Writing? ·         Power Writing is a writing system that assigns a number to eac...

Weekly Assignments | May 11 - 15

Weekly Assignments refomte learning may 11 to 15

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If you're having tablet issues or technical difficulties please contact shjhtechsupport@summithill.org. This will help you stay on top of the work by getting these difficulties dealt with sooner rather than later.

Want More Online Activities?

If you want more activities when you've finished your classwork, you have the option to visit Mrs. Strykalski's teacher page. She provides daily activities related to technology. Some of the provided activities may be familiar because she worked with us each month throughout the school year.


Weekly Assignment Index


English: Grammar and Writing Practice
What to do on Quill: Set a Timer for 20 Minutes. Move though the lessons posted on your dashboard, preferably in the order presented.
          Then log in to Quill.org and Complete the assignments (as shared in the video above)
          Journaling: Select one of the book summary from the Book Summary Journaling list
          Then create one of the journal options given at the bottom of the bottom of the page.
                 Note: This may take you a few days to complete. Have fun with this assignment. Make it relevant and worth while.


Reading: Freckle Complete Assigned Article
             Complete assigned article on your dashboard.
              Then log in to Freckle and complete today's assigned article
 Continue working on the journal assignment for the week.
Access the Book Summaries and journal options here.


         Please log in to Typing.com . Spend 20 minutes+ on developing your typing skills.
            Pkease  log in to Quill.organd complete additional work on your dashboard.



           Go to the Online Literature List.
Select one of the stories to read for 20-30 minutes. Feel free to read more.
Reading: Freckle Complete Assigned Article
           Please  log in to Freckle  and complete today's assigned article


Catch Up Day: Refer to the above assignments to complete the assigned task. If you have time, read from a self selected novel for 20-30 minutes…. because you can. 🙂

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Using Technology

This is a test post. 

Unsung technology in the classroom is helpful. 

Inline image

...unless you have a cat helping. 

How to Write a Paragraph Using Power Writing

PowerWriting is Amazing!

If you want to organize your thought with greater clarity, PowerWriting can help you do that. The video tutorial below is an introduction to the "Powers" of Power Writing.

How to Write a Paragraph Using PowerWriting

Although this method is a numerical organization of your thoughts, how you choose to use the patterns of Power Writing is entirely up to you. Greater flexibility and creativity is injected with the use of sentence variety, transitions, and evidence based support. This may sound like too much to think about, but trust me, in a few short months it will be second nature to your thinking as you move through the writing process.

More Information About PowerWriting

PowerWriting Stage 1: From PowerFrame to PowerGraph What is Power Writing How to Use PowerWriting Power Writing Graphic Organizer Transition Words and Phrases PDF Power Writing for a Simple Literature Response

What is Power Writing

PowerWriting: An Brief Overview

What is Power Writing?

·        Power Writing is a writing system that assigns a number to each different type of sentence in a paragraph.

o   The number 1 is assigned to the main idea sentence of a paragraph.

o   The number 2 is assigned to the major detail sentences in a paragraph.

o   The number 3 is assigned to the supporting detail or example sentences.

o   The number 1 is assigned again to conclusion sentences.

o   A zero (0) sentence is a “bridge, hook,voice” sentence to be used at the beginning of paragraphs or essays as an attention-getting sentence and at the end of essays as a culminating, broad statement about the importance of what was discussed in the bulk of the essay.

·        These can be combined in countless ways to form simple paragraphs, complex paragraphs with textual evidence, or entire essays.

Power Writing: A Quick Review

Paragraph Writing is a Piece of Cake!

Today I made a video reviewing the stages of Power Writing.  The following video is like a speed pass. I fly through Stages 1- 5. This is not a tutorial to show you how to write a paragraph with specific instructions. (That will be sent to you soon) This video is meant as a reminder, so you can observe your progress over the course of past few weeks.

Let's call it a review of PowerWriting

Watch and be amazed at the fact that you can now, with less effort and greater control, construct an 11 sentence paragraph that is focused and detailed for clarity.

Power Writing Overview: A Quick Review

In an upcoming video I will take you through a tutorial with greater detail showing you HOW to construct PowerGraphs with examples.

For More Information:

What is Power Writing How to Use PowerWriting Power Writing Graphic Organizer Transition Words and Phrases PDF Power Writing for a Simple Literature Response I hope this information on paragraph writing shows you, you can, in fact, write a well structured paragraph. I'm looking forward to watching your writing journey as you refine your ability to transfer your ideas to paper!

Power Writing: From PowerFrame to PowerGraph

Power Up Your Writing!

PowerWriting is a strategy to help you create well organized paragraph with relevant information. The goal of PowerWriting is to help you generate effective paragraph with relevant details and support. The best part is, you will be able to create impressive paragraph quickly! Today, we worked on the foundational stages of PowerWriting.

Let's review what you learned...

You know how to write a 1,2,3,2,3 paragraph - or - as we says in PowerWriting, a... PowerGraph. Before you write your PowerGraph you must create a PowerFrame to organize your thoughts.

Download Printable PowerFrames Here

Example of PowerFrame

P1. __________________________________ (topic + focus)           P 2. ______________________________________ (sub-topic)                        P3. ________________________________________ (detail)            P 2. ______________________________________ (sub-topic)                          P3. ________________________________________ (detail)

A PowerFrame Completed

P1. _____ Vacations Destinations _________           P2. _______  Cocoa Beach, FL __________                    P3. ________ Mom lives on water _______           P2. _______  Peoria, AZ ______________                    P3. ________ Visit sister  ______________  

PowerFrame to PowerGraph

There are two vacation destination that make me happy. The first one is Cocoa Beach, Florida. I love traveling to Cocoa because my mama lives on the water and we enjoy it together. The other vacation destination I love is Peoria, Arizona. Every time I go there, I get to spend time with my best friend, my sister.  

A Closer Look at PowerWriting Structure

         There are two vacation destination that make me happy (P1). The first one is Cocoa Beach, Florida (P2).  I love traveling to Cocoa because my mama lives on the water and we enjoy it together (p3). The other vacation destination I love is Peoria, Arizona (P2).  Every time I go there, I get to spend time with my best friend, my sister. (P3)  

Power Writing Quarter 1 Review

Learn How to Write Better Paragraphs

Downloadable resources are listed below.  If you want more insight and tips to have a success PowerWriting experience CLICK HERE This video reviews the process of writing in the first quarter of PowerWriting. Please visit the link in the side bar for a list of thorough list of review resources labeled "PowerWriting Guide".

Paragraph Writing: PowerWriting Stages 1-6

As you now know, PowerWriting helps generate well organized thoughts. It gives you the awareness to create paragraph with focus and clarity. If you want some tools to take on the go to other classes or to use at home, download the forms below for some practice PowerFrames.  

Downloadable PowerFrames for Pre-writing