Close Reading, Active Reading...
What You Did This Week
This week you revisited your understanding of claim and evidence by sharing your understanding though a written response shared with four other people. Well, five really because I also saw it.
As a class we revisited the First Quarter Review page you completed last week.
This week you also received your annotation workbook that goes along with the online Collections resources we use in reading.
This 'reading journal', as I like to call it, is an essential tool in reading this quarter. Please make certain this resource is with you at all times. We began reading "My Friend Douglass" by skimming the text and discussing it. This will be continue next Monday.
You also watched a video and recorded your observations and insights online, while watching a video about a Close Reading lesson.
Remember, all writing skills and strategies you learned thus far should be applied to all written responses, including the online responses you submit.
What You're Doing Today
Today you are taking the Diagnostic English Assessment for second quarter. This will be completed online after signing up using the link and specific join code for your class.NoREDINK is the site you will visit today and create your private account. Once your account is created you will them begin the Diagnostic Assessment. Once completed, you and I will know your results.
Each class has their own class code.
Find you class below. Copy the appropriate class code.
Then click on this link below and you will sign up by pasting the class code when it is requested on the sign-up page.
Group 1 Class Code ------> dhx4x3c8 Password -----> beckela23
Group 2 Class Code ------> 47mc38wx Password -----> beckela45
Group 3 Class Code ------> 4mv37e84 Password -----> beckela89
Did you copy the correct code? Yes?
Then click on the link below and get yourself signed up.