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What is Power Writing

PowerWriting: An Brief Overview What is Power Writing? ·         Power Writing is a writing system that assigns a number to eac...

Work for September 28, 2016...READ CAREFULLY

8:54 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Here is what you are doing in class today ...


Turn in your response paragraph from "Fighting Of the Sharks". A checklist will circulate around the room. Check you name off and paperclip your paragraph to the pile.


 Write a response to an article: Log into MY HRW. Click the purple "FYI" icon. Find an interesting article. Read it. Write a 1,2,3,2,3,1 responding to this simple question:

"What did you learn from the article you read online?"

  1. Log on to My HRW.
  2. Click on the Purple FYI Icon.
  3. Find a article. Read it.
  4. Write a PowerFrame answering the question below. Write the PowerFrame either on your word document or on paper.
  5. Create a PowerGraph on the same Word document. HIGHLIGHT IT!
  6. Save it to your flash drive.
  7. Print up two copies.
  8. Submit your article response below

Submit Your Article Response

Think and Search Strategy: Review the Think and Search Strategy in your notes. FOLLOW the steps while you complete 15-20 on page 40 in your vocabulary workbook.


 Read annotate "Black Boy", by Richard Wright, independently.