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The Future is Fast Approaching

9:39 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Congratulations are in Order,


The Future is Closer than it Appears

So, what does this mean to you? It means there is a great deal of excitement awaiting you. It also means letting go of the familiar and embracing the future.

Sweet Memories

Take some time to look back on where you were. Just about two years ago you were a new student at Summit Hill Junior High. Do you remember the felling you had on the very first day of junior high? Your friends may have been the same, but the building was new, the teachers were new, and the responsibilities were new. 

It didn't take long before SHJH was familiar. After you got comfortable, your confidence increased. Seventh grade is long gone, but those memories of being a newbie are still in your memory bank. All the movies of the past can be replayed in your head. They can be as emotional as they are useful.

Sure, every memory is filled with emotion, but your memories can only be useful if you're willing to use them as a tool. Here's how to can use your reflections of the past as fuel for your future success... 

Journey into the Past

Think about your life staring from August, 2012. When you reflect on the past think about the top three most positive experiences you had in seventh and eighth grade. Replay the events in your mind... the place, the people, the emotions, ... everything. Close your eyes. See it. Hear it. Smell it. taste it. Remember your emotions, your heart beat, your laughter, your smile.

Share Your Appreciation

When you think of these times, is there someone who comes to mind that you really appreciate. Was there someone who played a significant role in the positive memory? If there is one person who stands out as being an exceptional influence on you, on your achievements, or in a given situation,  take the time to let them know just how important they are in your junior high experience.

Communicating your appreciation to a friend, a coach, or a teacher will add yet another positive experience to your junior high memories. By letting someone know how much they impacted your life in a positive way, you strengthening the foundation of what could be a continued positive relationship in the future. You're developing your personal communication skills by expressing yourself to another in a meaningful way.

And you're thinking... "THAT'S JUST WEIRD!"

And, I'm telling you it's not. There is nothing more satisfying to someone who shared your journey towards success than knowing their time and attention was worth while. Remember, as we talked about all year long, sharing your gratitude for what you have in your life and who you share your life with creates positive energy that perpetuates your forward progress. 

Share your appreciation. It's a bonus for you and the other person, a double bonus!

Think About Challenges

Not all memories are made of sunshine and roses. Your growth has not been without challenges. But, challenges are the greatest teacher we have in life. When you decide challenges are learning experiences rather than roadblocks, your future will be filled fill achievement and success.

Make failure your friend, not your foe.

Looking back at your time in junior high, think of a time when you were faced with a difficult decision or a time when you thought you made the biggest mistake of your life. (No, I'm not going to ask you write a personal narrative about it... :)  This memory can either continue haunting you, making you think you are doomed for repeated occurrences like it.

Decide to Rule Your Past

Or, you can look back that very came challenge and DECIDE to learn from it. Successful people decide to use challenges and failures as tools. They reflect back on them, analyzing what they did or did not do to handle the "problem". They accept the out come, and they understand that one failed situation doesn't define who they are.

Don't let your past 
challenges and failure 
define you. 
Make them a tool to 

Your past experiences become your key to develop wisdom, insight, and confidence to become the very best version of you! Remember what we've talked about this year, the person you were in your memory is not the person you are today. But that yesterday version of you can serve a an amazing teacher! Today, you are stronger, wiser, and more ambitious person you were two years ago. If you continue learning from your past, your present day reality will only get better and better.

Life's #1 Rule: Make Nice

It all comes down to appreciation. Appreciate others and share your gratitude, and appreciate yourself. Know that everything you decide to do today becomes a memory of the past that will serve you in the future.

Let me tell you, from my heart to yours (and not in the creepy way), you might gone very soon, because the future is closer than it appears, but when you are gone YOU will NOT be forgotten. After all the time you share in my classroom is not only your memory, it's also mine.

Thanks for an amazing year!